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Security in Bangalore for Woman

That was Friday night.

Two weeks before this, on a Wednesday, engineers Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani, both 32, were hanging out on the patio at Austin’s Bar and Grill in Kansas after work, when a man told them they didn’t belong there, not in the bar, not in the country. “He asked us what visa are we currently on and whether we are staying here illegally,” Mr. Madasani later toldreporters.

Kuchibhotla and Madasani were in the U.S. legally. Both were educated in this country, most recently earning graduate degrees at the University of Missouri. But none of that mattered. Of course it didn’t.

When the suspect, his name is Adam Purinton, and he is 51, later got kicked out of the bar, it ticked him off. A lot. He was pissed, and probably drunk, and he disappeared for a while, got hold of a firearm, and returned to the bar where he shot both men. Madasani was badly injured. Kuchibhotla was killed. Kuchibhotla’s corpse was flown back to his hometown of Hyderabadlast Monday, where it was claimed by his parents. He was cremated the following day.


Kuchibhotla’s murder is being called a hate crime. That means if convicted, Purinton will be guilty of carrying out a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” That’s how the FBI defines a hate crime.

Years ago, I could have recited these words to you from my own memory.

I used to study hate crimes. Campus hate crimes. It wasn’t something I ever pictured myself doing. But the work found me. It found me, and I couldn’t, in good conscience, turn the other way.


When I began my doctoral program (the year was 2001) I thought I was going to be a business person — a weird choice given I have zero business savvy and shouldn’t even be allowed to oversee a bake sale. But for whatever reason, I thought that was going to be my life, and I was ready. I had my little business internships lined up, and had purchased a powersuit and a fancy cellphone but then September 11 happened and everything changed. September 11 happened, and I woke up the next day to find my front door had been vandalized with the same sort of message Kuchibhotla and Madasani were given, the same message the Sikh man outside Seattle was given on Friday night, too: go back to where you came from. You are not welcome here.

This is what I mean when I say ‘the work found me.’ This is how it happened. It came for me. It came knocking at my door.


I have talked about this here before, about how in the days that followed 9/11 I attempted to rally people, to organize. It was tough because those were shaky, bewildering times. People didn’t exactly want to discuss what they were going through. They didn’t want to attract attention, to rock the boat. They were scared. All of us were.

In the year prior to the 9/11 attacks, the number of anti-Muslim hate crimes filed in this country was twenty-eight. In 2001, that number spiked, to 481. That’s a seventeen-fold increase.

Recently, the number of physical assaults against Muslims in the United States has reached 9/11-era levels once again. According to a Pew study, in 2015, 91 people reported aggravated or simple assaults motivated by anti-Muslim bias. In 2001, the number was 93.

But Kuchibhotla wasn’t Muslim, you might say to me, and you would be right in pointing this out. He wasn’t. Neither was Madasani. Neither was the man shot in his driveway on Friday night.

And I might say to you that blaming Sikhs isn’t a new thing. The first victim to die as a result of 9–11-induced hatred was a forty-nine-year-old Sikh man: Balbir Singh Sodhi. A few days after the Twin Towers fell, Sodhi was fatally shot. That morning, in a Costco checkout line, Sodhi made a donation to the September 11 Relief Fund. He bought flowers. He was killed later that same day, as he kneeled in front of his gas station in Phoenix, Arizona, planting those flowers.

Sodhi’s Killer, Frank Roque, a mechanic from Mesa, drove passed the gas station, rolled down his window, pulled out a gun, and shot Balbir several times, killing him on site. Police reported that before the crime, Roque had bragged at a local bar of his intention to “kill the ragheads responsible for September 11.”


I’ve been digging through my old stuff recently, my old data from university, from all those years ago, reading the interview transcripts of the people I spoke to. Many of them are good friends now. We still keep in touch, even though it’s been years. Sixteen years! My God. I think part of the reason we’ve stayed in touch is because we’ve lived through some extraordinary years together. At least, they felt extraordinary to me.

When I first met Nina, she was a Senior English major from New York. We talked about being sad and angry and scared after hearing how a Sikh American kid had been attacked on campus:

When I heard that Indian guy was walking by 36th and Chestnut and someone just smashed his head against a flowerpot (I felt terrible)… every time I walk by that spot I always look at the flowerpot and feel strange.
First, after September 11th, it was just kind of…unbelievable. But then, after a week passed, I remember sitting (on campus) with my friends — my Indian girlfriends — and we just did not feel safe in this country. I never felt that way before, in this country; unsafe because of my skin color. But I really did feel that for the first time. And it was a very strange feeling, not to feel secure.